Royal visit
Den 20 mars 2013 besökte kung Carl XVI Gustaf och drottning Silvia Bruno Mathsson Center i Värnamo. Efter det att Konungen och Drottningen anlänt och hälsats välkomna förevisades Bruno Mathssons alster och historik. Kungaparet, som själva hade valt ut detta resmål, tycktes uppskatta förevisningen mycket.
This was followed by a sitting where the royal couple were offered hot water and a kind of candy called polka-pigs. This very odd menu was served together with the background story: When Bruno Mathsson arrived at the office in the morning, water would be heated in a coffee pot, after a while he lifted the lid of the coffee pot to smell if the water was hot enough. When the water was hot enough, it was served together with a polka-pig that melted in the mouth.
The Edith Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois
The Edith Farnsworth House, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, was completed in 1951 and was originally furnished with, among other things, Bruno Mathsson furniture.
In 2020, Bruno Mathsson International AB contributed furniture to an exhibition intended to recreate the interior.
Artwork in the skatepark
In connection with the opening of the new skatepark in Värnamo on 20 May 2017,
a work of art in the form of Lounge chair model 36 was unveiled there. The work of art is on a scale of 2:1 and is cast in aluminium.
Bruno Mathsson Design Residency
29 september 2023 skapades ett nytt internationellt residens i Värnamo. Bruno Mathsson Design Residency drivs av Region Jönköping och Vandalorum. Det har som syfte att erbjuda en internationellt verksam designer tid för efterforskning, utveckling, nätverkande och fokus i en stimulerande arkitektonisk miljö, inom ramen för Vandalorum och regionens omfattande tillverkningsindustri. Under vistelseperioden erbjuds designern att under en månad bo i ett hus ritat 1955 av Bruno Mathsson. Det är beläget i Bruno Mathssons hemstad Värnamo. Residenset drivs av Region Jönköpings län och Vandalorum med stöd av IASPIS/Konstnärsnämndens internationella program inom bild- och formområdet och Värnamo kommun, i samarbete med entreprenör och möbelsamlare Johan Sjöberg, Bruno Mathsson International och Stiftelsen Karin och Bruno Mathssons fond.
Den första stipendiaten i det nybildade Bruno Mathsson Design Residency är den välrenommerade formgivaren Stephen Burks från New York.
Easychair Eva in bronze
In October 1986, at Storgatsbacken in central Värnamo, two armchairs Mina and a memory board cast in bronze was unveiled.
The then governor Gösta Gunnarsson and the municipal council Stig Fransson gave the opening speech.
Train named after Bruno Mathsson
Since the 1990´s, trains named after famous småland profiles roll along on the småland (province in the south of Sweden) railways.
Among others Kristina Nilsson (opera singer), Dag Hammarskjöld (UN Secretary-General), Pär Lagerqvist (Nobel Prize winner) and Bruno Mathsson.
Bruno Mathsson place
On Saturday 27 August 1994, Centralplan in central Värnamo changed its name to Bruno Mathsons Plats (Bruno Mathsson´s Place).
Many had gathered for the opening, which was conducted by the chairman of the municipal council, Bo Zaar.
The marching band Lyran with the Drill girls brightened the opening.